Many pageant watchers are still on about why Chidinma missed M.U. 2024/5 title, even though she is the first Miss Africa/Oceania. This topic of why she missed the crown are numerous. The reasons range from race to politics to how she answered her last question. Well let us take a look too..

In the first place, we appreciate the judges who are able to score and select the best out of one hundred and thirty women. Note too that the ladies are of all races, creed, culture and backgrounds. The judges’ ability to identify and pick out the best at the time of the competition takes a lot of wisdom, courage and crucial attention to details.
By the way, the 73rd edition of Miss Universe broke the record with the most contestants at an international pageant.
Back to Why she did not?
After sampling different opinions about why Chidinma missed M.U. title, we have come some conclusions. The first is that she won because she is the first queen to bear Queen Africa and Oceania. The first of her title.

Secondly, Chidinma made it to the Top Five out of one hundred and thirty something women. She won. A woman who was rejected by a people she grew up with, accepted by people whose names she bears. She won.

Finally, why Chidinma missed M. U. 2024/5 title is not an issue. She won because after being stalked and bullied on social media she overcame. She won because though neighbors, schoolmates, colleagues and “friends” turned against her, she overcame..

Come to think of it, who else would know so much about her origins if not a close “ally”? Chidinma Adetshina won beyond what many of us may never understand. What was that reponse of hers again?
Please share the response in the comments section below if you know it. We have no rights to these social media images copied.